Fish & Reptile Supplies
Which popular reptile heating pad at Chewy is best?Providing a proper heat source is one of the most critical ways you can ensure your pet reptile remains healthy.…
Raising pH in an aquariumFish survive and thrive based on their environment. A core component of this environment is the pH level. Optimum pH levels for health and well-being…
Which popular reptile terrarium on Chewy is best?While many people think of reptile enclosures as little more than a fish tank, these animals have unique requirements when it…
Which fish tank gravel is best? If you’re planning on purchasing a new fish tank or aquarium, one thing that you might overlook is which fish tank gravel to buy. No tank…
Which reptile heat lamps on Chewy are the best?While scaly and able to survive in extreme conditions the world over, reptiles are actually delicate animals that require…
Which large fish tank is best?Whether you prefer the clever goldfish or the colorful betta, maintaining an aquarium is a rewarding activity for people of all ages. Many folks…
Fish tank cleaning methodsCleaning your fish tank can be an arduous task. Not only does cleaning your fish tank make it look great, but it also boosts the health, longevity…
Which 20 gallon fish tank is the best?A bubbling aquarium can provide hours of calming ambience and entertainment. While huge aquariums full of large fish and plants make a…
Which reptile and amphibian habitat lighting is best?Reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded animals that regulate their body temperature by moving in and out of hot or cool…
Which reptile and amphibian bowl is best?Reptiles and amphibians require special attention to maintain cleanliness in their environments. Access to fresh water and the…
Which turtle tank is best?Many people believe turtles are slow-moving, sedentary creatures that don’t require a great deal of space or exercise. However, turtles are active…
Which saltwater fish tanks are best? Saltwater tanks are the perfect way to add a little bit of marine magic to your space. The main draw of having a marine tank at home is…
Which aquatic turtle tank is best? Aquatic turtles, such as red-eared sliders and mud turtles, can make great household pets. Turtles are a kid-favorite animal and are sure…
Which aquaponics fish tank is best? Aquaponics is the marriage between indoor gardening and fishkeeping. While some may confuse aquaponics with keeping aquatic plants, the…
What’s the best 3-gallon fish tank to buy?If you’re looking to give your fish a home or a tank that can handle a few live plants and a small community of inhabitants, a…
Which budget aquarium is best? Budget aquariums are a great way to bring life and energy into your space without spending much money. Of course, it’s important to…
Which high-end aquarium is best? If you’re looking for a new way to bring a bit of nature and fun into your space, an aquarium is the way to go. Keeping fish offers many…