Apr. 8, 2021 Which Roomba should I buy? by Shweta Shah A buyer’s guide to RoombaHave you decided you’re finally going to invest in a Roomba? If you have, your next big decision is to choose the model that best suits your…
Apr. 8, 2021 Best handheld vacuum for pet hair by Bob Beacham What is the best handheld vacuum for pet hair?Pets are a welcome addition to our lives. While they’re loyal, protective and fill us with joy, they have one downside…
Apr. 6, 2021 Is a Roomba worth it? by Sian Babish Is a Roomba right for you?When it comes to robotic vacuums, Roomba leads the pack and raises the bar for other robotic vacuums. If you’re intrigued by these intuitive and…
Apr. 5, 2021 Which vacuum should I get? by Sian Babish The best vacuum for your householdWhen the time comes to purchase a new vacuum, will you be ready? A vacuum is an essential purchase that happens to be a modest investment…