Fans of the hit animation series “Avatar: The Last Airbender” can rejoice at the fact that the story of Avatar Aang continues in a gripping comic book series. Featuring classic characters such as Katara, Sokka, Toph and Zuko, the Avatar comics are developed by the show’s original creators, Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. So far, there have been seven comic book collections with even more on the way.
If you are looking for the best Avatar: The Last Airbender comic, we recommend “The Search” written by Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Gurihiru. This story is a continuation of Zuko’s story from the original series and answers a lot of fan questions.
The comics take place during and after the original series. “The Lost Adventures,” “Katara and the Pirate’s Silver,” “Suki, Alone” and “Team Avatar Tales” all take place during the series, while “The Promise” takes place immediately after the series ends. The rest of the comics take place a few months or years after the original timeline.
Original showrunners Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko created the comic series, but the comics themselves are written by a variety of comic book veterans, including Gene Luen Yang, Faith Erin Hicks and Tim Hedrick. The art is by Gurihiru and Peter Wartman. As with most comics, the artist and writer tend to change based on the collection.
Published by Dark Horse, the Avatar comics can be read on most major comic platforms, such as Kindle, Google Books and Apple’s iBooks. They can also be purchased physically through places like Amazon.
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” has always been praised for having a unique and mature storyline, despite being geared toward children and teens. The comics are no exception. In some collections, such as “The Rift,” the storyline features the same high-stakes, globetrotting nature of the original series, with some even featuring callbacks and references to their previous adventures. With that being said, some collections have been criticized for having a less engaging plot.
All of the “Avatar” comics have beautifully drawn and colored artwork reminiscent of the show’s original anime-inspired style. Peter Wartman and Gurihiru have distinct styles, but both artists maintain the series’ high artistic standards. Some comics, such as “Team Avatar Tales,” feature a vastly different art style from the other collections and may take some getting used to.
Fan favorites, like Aang and Toph, are back in the comic book series. Their dialogue and actions are written so convincingly that you can almost hear them actually saying the lines. Keep in mind that some collections focus on certain characters. For example, “The Search” focuses on Zuko’s search for his mother, whereas “Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy” focuses strictly on Toph’s story.
“Avatar” comics such as “Team Avatar Tales” can be as cheap as $6.99 digitally ($9.23 on paperback). They can go up as high as $39.99, as is the case with “The Rift” hardcover collection.
A. It’s highly recommended that you watch the original series first before reading the comics. Some events or characters may not make much sense without experiencing the original story.
A. We recommend starting with “The Lost Adventures,” “Katara and the Pirate’s Silver,” “Suki, Alone” and “Team Avatar Tales.” Then read “The Promise,” “The Search,” “The Rift,” “Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy,” “Smoke and Shadow,” “North and South” and finally, “Imbalance.”
Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Search
What you need to know: A three-part story that continues the biggest loose end from the original series.
What you’ll love: The story picks up right after the series ended and features an interesting look at family through the lens of Zuko and Azula.
What you should consider: You should watch the original series before reading this to have a better understanding of what’s going on.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Team Avatar Tales
What you need to know: An anthology written and drawn by a range of comic veterans.
What you’ll love: Readers will enjoy the different stories, from “Toph and the Boulder” to “Origami.”
What you should consider: Most of the featured stories feel more like filler and pale in comparison to the other collections.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Lost Adventures
What you need to know: A collection of various comics included in different sources, from DVDs to Nickelodeon Magazine.
What you’ll love: There are 26 in-continuity stories in total and many are created by the show’s original writers and artists, such as Joaquim Dos Santos, Josh Hamilton and Tim Hedrick.
What you should consider: The stories are short and vary in style. They don’t go as in-depth as the other comic collections.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
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Leo Herrera-Lim writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.