Saint Seiya is a Japanese manga from the 1980s. In 2019 it was picked up by Netflix and made into an animated series called “Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac,” where it grew in popularity for American audiences. The show follows a group of young warriors, each representing a cosmic or mythological deity. In the series, the characters possess fantastic powers to defend against the Black Knights. A unique CGI animation style is used to make it stand out in a crowded anime market.
Funko Pop is a toymaker known for its creative vinyl figures from pop culture. They have a collection of Saint Seiya toys with the best one being the Pegasus Seiya. This figure shows the main protagonist of the show in a fighting stance surrounded by flowing water.
The original Saint Seiya manga series story is pretty expansive and takes you across different storylines and characters. Since the series started in 1986, there have been 28 volumes over several years. Then the original anime series came out, which consisted of over 300 episodes. There have also been Saint Seiya movies, music albums, video games and novels. When Netflix acquired the show in 2019, the animators focused on recreating the very first season of the original anime from the 1980s.
The characters are what make Saint Seiya a truly unique and intoxicating story. The mix of fantasy, anime themes, cosmic and mythology creates a completely new world and is very exciting to watch play out on screen. Many of the characters are based on ancient mythological deities and cosmic personas. Pegasus, Andromeda, Virgo, Libra, Gemini and Hades all play a part in this fantastical plot. Even with each Zodiac sign, there are several different characters. For example, Cancer has Deathtoll, Sage, Manigoldo and Deathmask.
Greek mythology plays a role in the Saint Seiya lore as well. The original creator took a risk and included these elements in a genre that doesn’t usually feature these themes. Fortunately, it paid off, and today, fans still praise the unique mythological characters. In the first season of “Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac,” Seiya himself is approached by Alman Kido to become a Bronze Knight. From there, they are tasked with protecting Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom. Athena is part of the 12 gods of Olympus in Greek mythology.
Each character in the series possesses a special power. They get these abilities from the cosmos. It’s said that the power of the Big Bang still resides in each character, giving them a special connection to the universe. Some characters use actual objects to showcase their power, while others simply possess it inside them and can control elements. The titular character Seiya has super speed and strength and can control meteors and other cosmic light. Andromeda Shun has a chain to perform different abilities, while Phoenix Ikki can manipulate fire. These abilities and weapons will be on display in the Funko Pop figures.
The Cloth suits are sets of ancient armor that are extremely powerful. It’s said that Athena created them after she lost a war with Ares and needed something to protect herself and her troops. The Cloths of Athena can only be worn by someone who aligns their cosmos. It’s not an easy practice and one that Seiya must attempt to join the Knights of Athena. You’ll be able to see the Cloth armors on the Saint Seiya Funko Pops in the same form as shown in the Netflix series.
Funko Pop toys are considered collector's items to many fans. Most people keep them in their cases and store them away to maintain their value. If you fancy yourself a collector, you’ll want to look for a figure that comes with a Pop Box Protector Case. This sturdy plastic case goes over the original packaging to keep the box from collecting dust. It also protects its edges so that they won’t get damaged if the case is dropped or shipped across the country.
Saint Seiya Funko Pops cost $12-$15.
A. Yes! In fact, with the success of their original Knights of the Zodiac series, Netflix has brought back “Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas” anime series from 2009.
A. In total, there are five different Saint Seiya Funko Pops based on the “Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac” Netflix series. The five characters include Pegasus Seiya, Dragon Shiryu, Cygnus Hyoga, Andromeda Shun, Phoenix Ikki and Sagitarrius Seiya.
What you need to know: This Pegasus Funko Pop figure looks fierce but still has the classic Greek mythology accessories.
What you’ll love: Pegasus is wearing his red suit with the silver Cloth. He has an authentic-looking Pegasus headpiece that has a silver face and red eyes. There are also two gold accent pieces on either side and large silver wings. His feet are surrounded by frozen ice, which also acts as the figure's base.
What you should consider: This figure does not come with weapon accessories.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
What you need to know: Phoenix Ikki is shown in his most fierce fire form with this fiery vinyl figure.
What you’ll love: The character is surrounded by fire at his feet, which helps keep the character upright. There’s also fire in his hands that he holds as a weapon. His purple hair is glowing upwards with a gold and silver headpiece. The fire even glows in the dark, making him a rare Glow Funko Pop figure.
What you should consider: This figure is one of several in the Saint Seiya collection.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
What you need to know: Andromeda is a highly detailed Funko Pop with beautiful green and red highlights throughout.
What you’ll love: This is the younger brother of Phoenix Ikki, but he looks just as intimidating. His green hair flows down below his shoulders with a red headband and silver headpiece. Even his eyebrows are green. His Cloth is pink and red with a long silver chain accessory flowing around his body. Notice the detailed arrow at the end of the chain.
What you should consider: This figure stands exactly 3.75 inches tall from its base.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
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Jordan Beliles writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.