“Ghostbusters,” the iconic film from the 1980s, tells the story of a team trying to capture the supernatural spirits that haunt New York City. The movie starred Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis. It featured several now famous lines, characters and props, including the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the Ecto-1 Ghostbusters wagon. Popular collectible brand Funko POP! has even created a line of figurines based on the film. The best one is the Slimer with Hot Dogs toy that shows the hilarious, neon green ghost.
There have been four "Ghostbusters" films in total since the first one was released in 1984, with the first sequel released in 1989. They were some of the first comedy movies to use high-tech special effects. As Hollywood began to reboot cult classic movies, "Ghostbusters" was an obvious choice. In 2016, an all-female "Ghostbusters" was released starring Kristen Wigg, Leslie Jones and others. Most of the Funko POP! toys focus on characters and ghosts from the early iterations of "Ghostbusters."
The 2021 film “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” focuses on the children and grandchildren of Egon Spengler from the 1984 “Ghostbusters”: Sinclude Finn Wolfhard from “Stranger Things” and well-known actor Paul Rudd. Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray also reprise their roles as Ray Stantz and Dr. Peter Venkman, respectively. Funko has decided to create a brand-new line of "Ghostbusters"-inspired toys for the new film. These include the old Ecto-1 vehicle, the new characters dressed in the classic beige jumpsuit and a miniature Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Funko POP! has a line of toys called Rides that are based on vehicles from pop culture. These toys are meant to go with other Funko figures and give them some extra flair. For instance, there’s a Batmobile to go with the Batman figure and even a giant ant for Ant-Man to ride. For the new "Ghostbusters" collection, Trevor, played by Finn Wolfhard, comes with an Ecto-1 vehicle to ride in.
Funko POP! toys are all about finding the most interesting and unique figures available. This is especially great if you’re a collector and want to find something cool for your display shelf. Take the classic Stay Puft Marshmallow Man figure. He comes in five varieties, each with their own special features and poses. You can pick your favorite or collect all five.
Traditionally, Funko POP! figures stand on their own. Their feet are flat on purpose which lets you display the toys by themselves. However, you can opt for a more interesting display option. The Funko POP! Slimer toy uses the dripping slime from its body to make it appear like it's floating.
Funko POP! toys usually come by themselves, without accessories. You can find some versions that include additional pieces. In the Funko POP! Movie Moment collection, there’s a "Ghostbusters" scene showing Venkman and Stantz shooting their beams at Slimer to catch it in their proton pack. Venkman also appears in another set covered in melted marshmallow and standing next to a separate figure of the famous Ghostbuster firehouse.
"Ghostbusters" Funko POP! toys cost between $12–$25.
A. All of the “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” figures from Funko POP! are available for preorder now and will be released on January 2, 2022.
A. No, most Funko POP! toys do not articulate. This means that their arms, legs, heads and torsos are not able to bend. Funkos are designed more for display and collecting than they are for playing.
Funko POP! Ghostbusters: Slimer with Hot Dogs
What you need to know: This Funko toy shows the neon green Slimer ghost munching on some NYC street hot dogs.
What you’ll love: This toy references a scene in the original film in which Slimer pops out of a street vendor’s cart with a mouthful of hot dogs. The toy version shows Slimer by itself being held up by gloops of green slime. This unique toy is considered a Special Edition Funko POP! figure.
What you should consider: This is on the more expensive side for Funko toys.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
Funko POP! Ghostbusters: Mini Puft On Fire
What you need to know: This iconic character from the "Ghostbusters" franchise comes to Funko in a miniature form—and on fire.
What you’ll love: The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man appeared in the 1980s films but returns in mini form in 2021’s “Ghostbusters: Afterlife.” This toy is the same size as standard Funko toys but looks more like a Stay Puft Marshmallow Boy. He’s holding two matches, one burnt and one new, with his head on fire.
What you should consider: This figure belongs in a series of Funko POP! “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” toys.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
Funko POP! Rides: Ghostbusters Afterlife Ecto-1
What you need to know: The famous Ghostbusters wagon known as Ecto-1 now comes in Funko POP! form with this fun toy.
What you’ll love: The new Ecto-1 from "Afterlife" has lost some of its original flair and now appears as a vintage car. It’s driven by Trevor, the grandson of scientist Egon Spengler from the original “Ghostbusters” movie. Trevor’s head comes in the classic oversized Funko style and sticks out of the sunroof of the car.
What you should consider: This car is from the new film and is designed to be rusty and older looking.
Where to buy: Sold by Amazon
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Jordan Beliles writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.